Aug 30, 2024

DANNY BOY - Two JAZZY Fingerstyle SOLOS (1 FREE), Chord Melody - Super Cool Jazz Chords

Danny Boy!

DANNY BOY - Two JAZZY Fingerstyle Solos (chord melody) - Super Cool Jazz Chords

Learn a next level JAZZ version of one of the most enchanting songs ever written - Grab PDFs here...

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Find all my fingerstyle and chord melody solos here.

Here we have 2 JAZZY  SOLO arrangements of one of the most enchanting songs ever written - DANNY BOY (Also known as Londonderry Air)!

Some time ago I posted some campanella and campanella with chords arrangements of DANNY BOY on my patreon channel (they were and still are exclusive to patreon members) and promised a future jazz version - here we have one Jazz arrangement FREE for ALL and a little more complication version for patreon members only - the more complex version has different chords and some amazing runs with 6th's...

Version one is an excellent beginners piece!


Measure 1: Since you're  using your 1st finger for the Gmaj7 in the 1st measure - use your 3rd finger for the notes on the 7th fret. First fret the note on the second string while the open note on the first string is ringing then lay the 3rd finger down for the partial barre to get the note on the first string  (7th fret), then your first finger for the note on the 4th string (7th fret). Now you have played a beautiful campanella passage (little bells).

Measure 3: For the notes on the 7th fret barre with your 3rd finger then add your first finger for the note on the 4th string - remove you 1st finger for the open note while still holding down the barre... There's  another beautiful campanella passage.

Measure 4: Dsus7 to a D7 (no root) here...

Measure 6: You could do an open note for the note on the 3rd string in the dyad, it would then be a C rather the a C9.

Measure 10: May want to slide up  to the note on the 10th fret.

Measure 12: A slide to the note on the 10th fret is indicated here for the second one.

Measure 13: Slide up to the note on the 14th fret is indicated here.

Measure 15: 3rd finger barre similar to what we did in measure 3

DANNY BOY - JAZZ Version 2 - This more complex version has different chords (extra super cool jazz chords) and some amazing runs with 6th's... (patreon).

Try a combination of the 2, play the first version and then the second for an extended piece!

Have fun!

Want more? 

Check out my chord related books below. Create beautiful chord progressions in any key and learn to simplify any chord.

Secrets of the Chord Chain: Major and Minor Chord Progressions for the Ukulele

Secrets of the Chord Chain: Major and Minor Chord Progressions for the Ukulele

I wish I had books like this when I started playing!

Would have saved me years of frustration.

The great new is you can have them now—In the books I unlock the mysteries of great chord progressions for you and make it so simple to understand that you will be able to create beautiful music right away! 

Everything you need to play stunning chord progressions in any key and to fully understand how chord progressions are created and where they come from is here.

Ukulele Chord Tricks: Simplify Any Chord

Ukulele Chord Tricks: Simplify Any Chord

Ever wished there was an easier way to make the E chord, or the D chord? Are you wondering if there's a way to avoid or simplify barre chords?

There is! This book will solve all of your chord problems...

Any chord can be simplified - in this book I walk you through how to do it with many tricks that the pros know and use all the time!

Get your paperback on Amazon: Ukulele Chord Tricks - Simplify Any Chord (this leads to the book on amazon and you can preview quite a few pages to check it out)

Get the eBook (instant download): Ukulele Chord Tricks: Simplify Any Chord

Get just one chapter: E Chord and Progression TricksE Minor Chord and Progression Tricks; two chapters (they go together): Triads & Accompaniment Patterns Some of these are available FREE to patreon members.

FREE PDF's - Chord book and all scales harmonized with chords (with related articles):

Get your FREE eBook!

* indicates required


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