Dec 29, 2021

Auld Lang Syne - Chord Melody Solo; Three Variations

Auld Lang Syne - Ukulele Chord Melody

You'll be the life of the party on New Years Eve with this beautiful chord - melody (3 versions) of "Auld Lang Syne!" 

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Find all my fingerstyle and chord melody solos here.

Here are some helpful tips to get you started with fingerstyle on the right track:

Are you holding the ukulele wrong? Avoid these 5 mistakes

Beginning fingerstyle ukulele made easy

Here's a video on beginning fingerstyle and two basic song you can play to get it down

Here we have a chord melody arrangement of "Auld Lang Syne," with 3 variations; you can mix and match parts from different varaitions to make your own unique version of the song - or when playing through a second time - a different version can be used.

This is the tune you hear at midnight on new years eve, but it also makes it's appearance at other "endings or new beginnings" – including farewells, funerals, graduations, jamborees, etc...

So it'll come in handy throughout the year!

Strumming chords...

The chords are indicated above the notes and there are lyrics so you can just strum chords and sing along if you like, rather than playing it as a chord melody.

If you play the chords you may leave out the B7's, and just stick with the C7's for the whole measure.


In the first version we see the most chords, in version 2 and version 3 we see chords reduced to triads, and dyads, as well as more extensive use of "campanella" (which means notes ringing together like "little bells" - it's actually Itallian for "little bells"). 

In versions 2 and 3 you may want to pluck the chords rather than strum them; I recommend plucking all chords (there're all triads or dyads - 2 or 3 note chords) in version 3.

Certainly you can mix and match parts from the different pieces to create your own special verison.

Perfomance notes

Here are some notes to help you better understand and perform the pieces.

When picking single notes: Alterante i and m for consecutive notes on strings 1 and (or) 2 or use i for string 2 and m for string 1, if there's only one single note to pluck; alternate i and p for concecutive notes on string 3, otherwise use p for single notes on strings 3 and 4.

Following the above rules will provide the most efficient way to play these pieces and they will sound beautiful.

Auld Lang Syne - Variation 1

In this version thumb strums are siutable for the chords; you may want to pluck the dyads, there are just a few of them, could strum them too if you like. 

Measure 1: Thumb strum then index finger (i) to play the single note, then another thumb strum to play the second chord and middle finger (m) to pick the note (same thing for measure 3).

Measure 2: You may like to slide up from the B7 to the C7.

Measure 4: That little "4" before the "5" means you'll slide up to that note on the 5th fret from the 4th fret (you'll see this again a few times in the song).

Measure 5: (Opposite of measure 2 - for right hand fingerpicking) you'll strum the first chord (thumb strum), then pluck the note with m, then strum the next chord and pluck the note that follows with i; we're following the rules with i and m indicated above. 

Auld Lang Syne - Variation 2

Whenever possible, hold chords to let notes ring.
Measures 1 & 2: Hold chords to let notes ring - we want that "little bells" sound here.

Auld Lang Syne - Variation 3

You'll notice in this piece all chords are reduced to triads and dyads - try plucking all chords: Use p, i and m for a 3 note chord, or alternate p and i and p and m for consecutive dyads (EX: Pluck the first dyad with p and i then the next with p and m). This alternation efficient performance and best sound quality. 

Hold chords and let notes ring whenever possible.


Want to get more into fingerstyle ukulele?

LEARN MORE (fingerstyle ukulele book):

Grab my "A Ukulele for Christmas: Fingerstyle Solos" book and learn fingerstyle ukulele at the same time as you learn beautiful solo pieces, each one a little more of a challenge than the last! 

These arrangements are hauntingly beautiful, with many campanella passages, and majestic; steeped in rich harmonies.

They are carefully arranged and graduated; each song comes with a comprehensive lesson to help you perform it properly.

A Ukulele For Christmas: Fingerstyle Solos


Here's some basic info to get you rolling with fingerstyle.

More information and links to two songs that go with the lesson.

Here you'll learn how to hold the uke to get the best possible sound out of it:

More information here.

Have fun and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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Auld Lang Syne - Ukulele Chord Melody Solo

Auld Lang Syne - Ukulele Chord Melody Solo

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